Afrodon gheerbranti De Bast, Sigé & Smith, 2012
IRSNB M 1981 (=O1-33)
IG: 30562 Reg.: -
Age: Danian or Selandian, Early Palaeocene
Locality: Hainin, Mons Basin, Belgium.
Description: Right astragalus
UUID Number:
-Smith, T., Sigé, B. and De Bast, E. 2010. Euarchontan affinity for the Palaeocene Afro-European adapisoriculid mammals and their origin in the late Cretaceous Deccan Traps of India. Naturwissenschaften 97:417-422 (Fig. 1D).
-De Bast E. & Smith T., 2017. The oldest Cenozoic reference mammal fauna of Europe: implication of the early Palaeocene Hainin fauna (Belgium) in mammalian evolution and dispersals during the Palaeocene. Journal of Systematic Paleontology T.15(9), pp. 741-758 (Fig. 16B)
Source 3D:
M1981 dorsal

M1981 plantar